Sunday, August 17, 2008

Jayden, enough said!!!!!!!

Jayden adds soooooo much personality to our family, as if there was not enough. Truly life would be dull with out him. He can be so charming one minute, and raking on my last nerve the next. He makes me laugh and fume every day. Some people thought we were crazy having another baby after the triplets, but he has been a whole new experience from pregnancy on.

Jayden loves all things about cowboys and pirates, he would play in the dirt in his underwear from sun-up to sun-down if we would let him. Lucky for him we live out in the country and he can sometimes go out in the yard in his underwear. He really has a knack for quoting movies and singing songs, especially ones that he should not. Like "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?..." And of course all pirates drink rum, so his koolaid in childrens church is rum, not koolaid. His teachers think it is humorous, but it is still embarassing.

He is starting Kindergarten this year, and is very excited about going to big kid school where his daddy works. Thanks to our friend Lisa, he can almost read. He has spent the last two years with Lisa during the school year, and this last year she did a pre-k and kindergarten home school program with Jayden and her son Logan who is the same age.