Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Perils of Motherhood

My friend Christina's baby Cason had his first birthday party yesterday, and it was so much fun. She is such a great mother and went all out for his party. It was not without a few bead of sweat from me, though..... read on.

Christina ordered a very special cake from a special bakery in another town. It just happens to be the town we go to church in, and I knew my husband would be there the morning of the party, so I volunteered him to pick up the cake. Which he did. We cleared a place in our extra fridge for it, and figured it would be safe. NOT!!!!! About 3 hours before we were to leave for the great event, I am at the computer, Jake is in the garage painting, who know where the tripletes were; Jayden comes to me and says. "Momma, I ate some of the cake".

I bolted to the utility room and this is what I found.

This was my feeble attempt to repair the damage, and the beautiful front side of the cake. After a healthy spanking, a few tears (on Jayden and I's parts), a phone call to Christina to drop the bomb, and a few stiffled laughs from Christina, the party was a great success. Now, that is an awesome friend, one who can still love you after your 5 year old son ruins her sons first birthday cake.

Well, long about midnight, Jayden is crying at the foot of my bed, stating he is itchy, and it hurts. In my haze of sleep, I took him to the bathroom and started putting lotion on him in the dark thinking that he had dry skin from playing in the water at the party all evening. The he began to scream, so I thought I better turn on the light. OH MY, he has hives all over him. I slathered him in benedryl cream and hydrocortisone cream which seems to soothe him, and he slept the rest of the night.

This is the hives when he woke up 9 hours later.The mentally ill alter ego in me can't help but wonder if this is his karma for digging his little hand into that cake. Reguardless, I better take him to the doctor in the morning.

As if his ears were not big enough.

A few great pictures of Cason Robert Burgess. Christina, I could not resist posting these.

As Cameron, Cason's dad said. Cason is really upset about the cake.


San MIguel's said...

Poor Jayden! Talk about an awful day.